By Credit/Debit Card :

Grace Education Ministries for Niger
One time or Recurring
By PayPal :
Grace Education Ministries for Niger
One time or Recurring
Donate Stock :
A stock transfer to GEM for Niger is a meaningful way to make an impact on our mission
Click the info box below for more information
Corporate matching donations through
Benevity :
giving and donation matching platform
Click the info box below for more information
By Check :
Pay to the order of
Grace Education Ministries for Niger
GEM for Niger
Address to send
GEM for Niger
P.O.Box 480
Los Altos, CA 94023
Thank you for supporting GEM for Niger. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
GEM for Niger is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Contributions to GEM for Niger are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
GEM for Niger's tax ID number is 81-4061973.
No goods or services were provided in consideration of this gift.
GEM for Niger has exclusive legal control over the contributed assets.
We will send you an Annual Contribution Statement by January 30th of the following year.
Donations in South Korea :
니제르 선교 한국 계좌번호
이름: 정혜림 (선교사)
신한은행: 100-031-656006
모든 선교헌금은 니제르 여학교사역에 사용됩니다.